Making the Case for a Liberal Arts Curriculum: Understanding Harvard Students’ Learning Experiences and Paths to Management Consulting Firms


            This research paper explores two questions within the context of Harvard students’ liberal arts curriculum and paths to management consulting firms (a common employer for students). First, how do Harvard students develop skills in college needed for management consulting firms? Secondly, what role, if any, does a Harvard student’s concentration or studies play in their ability to join a management consulting firm? These research questions are essential to understanding what management consulting firms as potential employers look for from Harvard college students. This research also serves as a foundational piece to understanding liberal arts colleges and their curriculum’s transferability to employment more broadly. The research is driven by interviews of entry-level consultants that graduated from Harvard and management consulting firm recruiters. The findings provide insights from various stakeholders about the skills and experiences translated from Harvard to management consulting firms, and the role students’ studies played.
Last updated on 09/12/2022