Compensation & Incentives for Student Administrators


James Bedford. 12/17/2018. “Compensation & Incentives for Student Administrators”. Type of Work: SOCIOL1104 Fall 2018 course research project.


Universities could not function without the students that work alongside administrators to manage the day-to-day running. From programming and marketing to mental health support and cleaning, these so-called ‘students administrators’ are partners in providing their own education. This paper uses quantitative and qualitative information from student administrators to assess the conditions in which they work and their attitudes to them. The research finds that beyond many on-campus roles being financially inaccessible for students from low-income backgrounds, students frequently do crucial university work without pay and when students are paid through stipends, they earn fractions of the minimum wage for their labor and feel undervalued. In students eyes, over financial remuneration, they want transcript recognition and administrative and faculty understanding for the work that they do.


Class of 2020, Concentration: Stem Cell Biology, Education
Last updated on 02/12/2019